Monday, July 16, 2012

Mr & Mrs Seaborn

My cute husband and I! 

 Well... it's been official for over two weeks now, but I AM A WIFE!! Words cannot describe how perfect our experience was. I married the perfect person on a perfect day in the most perfect place. Everything went exactly how it was supposed to with no hiccups or slip ups. I am certainly the luckiest girl! 
Us walking out of the Cardston temple! All smiles and such an exciting time! 
Both of our receptions were absolutely stunning! They were exactly what I wanted. I couldn't be happier!! Thank you SO much to all those that helped make our day perfect! 
Our parents surprised us with a horse-drawn carriage! Of course, I was beaming when I saw the two horses!! It was truly a fairytale of a day! 

  The week before the big day, I was lucky enough to have some of my very best friends came up to spend some time with me! We had so much fun! We went to my Aunt Karyn's and to Banff! I was a little distracted, but I tried to show them the best time that I could! 
I have wonderful friends!! 
Banff springs!
Coolest store.. EVER!


We went camping in Waterton the week after our wedding! I love camping and it was so beautiful.  
So amazing!! This is called Bear's Hump! It's a short/steep hike, but it is so worth it when you get to the top! We about blew over, but the view was absolutely stunning. 
The next week we went on a 7 day cruise! We started in Long Beach and went down to Cabo and Puerto Vallarta! It was a blast. We ate so much and had so much fun just relaxing in the sun.

 The cutest baby donkey! 

 In Cabo, we went horseback riding on the beach! It was fun. Trav and I ride a lot at home, so we were hoping for a ride with a little more zip; however, 90% of the people that also came had probably only ever seen a horse, let alone ridden one. They were all mostly asian as well. I think that part was the most entertaining to us, just watching the fear on their faces anytime the horse would move. I love it. 
 We liked PV a lot better than Cabo! Even though it was ridiculously humid, it was so much more developed and so lush. We went on the most amazing excursion in PV! We got completely soaked, so we weren't able to take any pictures. We went on an extreme zipline adventure! We started by taking this speed boat to the other end of the bay, took this huge military trucks up a mountain and then road mules to the very top of everything! We then went down a ton of crazy ziplines and rapelled down a waterfall. It really was extreme! We loved it and would gladly do it again!! 
 Horses and the ocean! Heaven.
Our boat was huge!! 

We had such a blast!! We love being married and can't wait for what the future holds for us :)


  1. love it!!! now come back to alesis and tev-o

  2. fun!! you looked so beautiful on your special day!
