Today was American Thanksgiving and... for the past 4 years I have spent it in Utah getting carried away with my life there and not really taking a moment to reflect upon the things that I am most grateful for. This seems a little cliche and overdone by just about everyone this time of year... but expressing gratitude for the things you are grateful for should never get old.
I mention this guy a lot in many of my posts for good reason. Travis has the kindest heart. He is patient beyond measure and always puts me first. He sets such a great example for me to follow everyday and truly inspires me to be a better person. He is so supportive and always the best person to talk to, about anything! I love him and am so thankful that I can call him mine.
I'm so grateful for my family! On both sides. I've been extremely blessed to live and grow up with some pretty incredible people. I know that we are placed in certain families for certain reasons and I am so lucky to have been put in mine. I graduated from BYU with Family Studies. Is that a great accomplishment? Yes. Have I been able to find a job within that field? No. Trust me... I hear it all the time! "What are you going to do with that degree?".. so on and so forth.. and you know what? You know what I value the most from my degree? Is the understand of how important family is. The family is essential to anyone's and everyone's development. It is the key and most basic form of society that cannot be replaced. In learning that, it has only strengthened my testimony even more that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is TRUE. Heavenly Father knew exactly what he was doing when he created this earth and I am so grateful for how perfect His thinking was.
I am grateful for the temple. I absolutely love the peace and blessings that are there. I love the learning that takes place within and for the comfort I can take home with me. I was able to be there when my youngest sister took out her endowments. I was extremely lucky to be there with most of my family and while I was there it was hard to think of many other things that helped me feel closer to heaven.
I know that this one might come as a bit of a surprise but... I love my dog. Yeah.. laugh all you want, but she has brought a lot of joy and happiness into my life. I love all animals and it even says in the scriptures that we are to treat all animals with kindness. Most dogs have better hearts than most people and I see that in this little girl everyday. They see us as though we do nothing wrong. They are so forgiving and really, to them, we are their whole world. Until you have had a dog and bonded with him or her, you won't understand what I'm talking about. Scout is getting so big and getting so smart. She is obsessed with her ball and if you throw it once, expect to throw it twice... three times.... probably the rest of the day. She loves everyone! Every morning after she has happily greeted me, she always jumps on the bed and gives Trav about 100 wet dog kisses and nibbles on his ear. Travis would never admit it... but he loves it. She's our girl and we love her to death!
I have so, so SO many things to be grateful for, that I couldn't begin to list them. I am one very blessed individual. I love being able to sit and reflect on things. I don't even care if no one ever reads my blog... it juts feels nice to sit and document my feelings.